Hello, my name is Light or you can call me Montgomery, too, if fictional name is not your cup of tea.
I am a 24-year-old hobbyist from Las Vegas, NV with an interest in designing characters, creating comics, and exploring darker topics. I am gay, so you'll find that common with my artwork and sometimes even designs.
On my blog/site, you'll mainly find:
Original Characters, Webcomics, Genshin Impact Fanart, "Adoptables"(Characters for sale)
Social Media & Other Websites:
Note: Links are clickable !
Instagram: @LightFoxArt
Twitter/X: @LightFoxArt
Unvale: Light Fox Art
DeviantArt: LightFoxArt
Discord: lightfoxart
Discord Servers
(Coming Soon)
Webtoon: Light Fox Art
I love my pets, so I may make some blog posts about them, too... Potentially just so I can show off their cuteness.
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